Thursday, 29 February 2024

Inflation and the output gap

Yesterday's Monetary Policy Statement from the Reserve Bank said (eg at p ii) that "a sustained decline in capacity pressures in the New Zealand economy is required to ensure that headline inflation returns to the 1 to 3 percent target": the economy needs to move from a hothouse above-capacity state (a 'positive output gap' with people trying to chase after scarce resources, driving up their prices) to a below-full-capacity state (a 'negative output gap', where resources are more available and less in demand).

Here's what the relationship that's being relied on has looked like over the past twenty odd years. It shows how the output gap has affected domestically-generated ('non-tradables') inflation. The numbers come from the underlying data supporting the Statement, which the RBNZ helpfully supplies as a spreadsheet. I've taken the impact of the 2010 GST increase out of the inflation data. I've also advanced the output gap by three quarters, which looks to be a good stab (tested by a couple of quick regressions) at the lag between the hot or cold state of the economy and subsequent heating up or cooling down of inflationary pressures.

It's a reasonably robust relationship (a simple regression had an R squared of 0.54) but it's obviously not infallible. In the mid 2000s for example the economy ran quite hot but non-tradables inflation never picked up, and the years immediately before Covid also saw the economy in reasonably good fettle without provoking the inflation genie. But that said, and especially when there are really large moves (the post GFC slump, the post-Covid fiscal and monetary policy fuelled boom), it holds up pretty well.

Two things struck me when I looked at the chart. One is that the RBNZ is projecting a large move in the output gap by historical standards. Peak to trough, the GFC setback amounted to a 5.8% of GDP swing, from 2.8% above capacity to 3.0% below it. The projected move in coming years is almost as large: a 5.5% swing from 3.9% above full capacity to 1.6% below. Maybe that will indeed happen as monetary policy continues to bite, fiscal policy very likely turns less supportive and strong net immigration swells the available labour supply. I wouldn't say it's an implausibly big or improbable ask to see a turnaround of that order, but getting on top of inflation is reliant on a pretty large change in economic conditions coming to hand.

The other thing that struck me is that if the output gap does indeed evolve as the RB expects, non-tradables inflation might even drop more than projected. My little regression says that if we get down to a negative output gap of -1.6%, non-tradable inflation (with a three quarter lag) would get down to 2.3%, a bit lower than the 3.0% the RBNZ anticipates. Or put it another way: the 3% or so non-tradables inflation the Bank expects is the sort of outcome you'd get if the economy was roughly at a Goldilocks zero output gap, neither too hot nor too cold. If we actually stay below that level (as the Bank thinks), non-tradables inflation could well recede more than currently anticipated.

Thursday, 22 February 2024

The New Zealand Economic Forum - Day 2

We kicked off Day 2 with a keynote speech, "The monetary policy remit and two percent inflation", by Adrian Orr, governor of the Reserve Bank, delivered online (full text here or watch the video here) after Adrian came down with a late lurgy (a pity, as I'd looked forward to chewing the fat about the forthcoming NRL season with my fellow Warriors tragic).

Adrian Orr with one of his slides, showing that core inflation as it actually transpired over 2020-22 was stronger than the lower real-time estimates available when decisions needed to be made (with Waikato's Prof Matt Bolger as moderator)

Takeaways? Some sympathy for the RBNZ's (and other central banks') challenges over the past few years: Covid, where Adrian reasonably asked, which mistake did you most want to avoid in the high-uncertainty crisis, and the answer was too-tough policy that might aggravate a downturn, hence the almost universal let-it-rip of both fiscal and monetary policy; the Team Transitory/Team Core debate; the interruption to normalisation from the Auckland lockdown; the Ukraine; and a recent rise in household inflation expectations. 

Expectations - which are interlinked with people's trust in the competence of a central bank (what us older folks used to call 'credibility') - look high on the bank's agenda. I noted in the speech that while inflation has come down, "tackling the tail end of these persistent inflation pressures in the domestic economy remains key to achieving 2 percent inflation. Just how persistent these pressures might be depends on how factors, such as capacity pressures and inflation expectations, evolve going forward". Adrian was giving nothing away about the next monetary policy decision (February 28) but if I were in the room I'd be looking at the latest annual non-tradable inflation rate (5.9%) and wondering if those capacity pressures and expectations levels needed a further knock on the head.

Onwards to fiscal policy, first with a keynote from Caralee McLiesh, Secretary to the Treasury, followed by a panel discussion on 'Treasury and the state of the books'.

Caralee's speech doesn't appear to be up on the Treasury website, but you can get the gist of it from the excellent 'Economic and Fiscal Context Slide Pack' which was part of Treasury's Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Finance. A key point was that our fiscal deficit is structural, not cyclical: as Caralee said, it tends to be easy to loosen fiscal policy in a downturn, and a lot harder to wind back the spend in better times, and we've now reached the point where belated policy tightening is needed (we'd got the same message from Nicola Willis the previous day). "Difficult distributional decisions lie ahead": quite.

Treasury Secretary Caralee McLiesh speaking to our rise in net public debt

The 'State of the books' panel - Craig Renney from the CTU, Eric Crampton from the New Zealand Initiative, Sarah Hogan from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research - may have been intended to have been a battle of "duelling economists", as one person put it, but it turned out to be a lovefest of harmony and mutual understanding which coalesced around the theme of the importance of getting the best value for money from the public spend. 

As Craig said, there's nothing inherently "right-wing" in demanding value for money and nothing inherently "left-wing" in spending the right amount. Sarah pointed to health as one area where we are not getting value for money: Pharmac (she said) may take its lumps from its critics, but on the other hand it is a rare example in the sector when it comes to revealing its prioritisation. Other areas are either not transparent, or may not even prioritise in the first place. Eric would like us to retreat from the post-Covid spending bloat, perhaps to the same share of GDP that the Wellbeing Budget of 2019 represented (core crown spending of 29.1% of GDP, compared to the 33.0% expected for 2023-24 in last year's Budget forecasts): one reason was that people would be less likely to sign up to future rainy day spendups if they see previous ones sitting there unpaid for. And all the panellists were very keen on a really rigorous framework of prioritisation and evaluation: as Craig put it, "Think hard, and then think hard again".

The "duelling economists": Craig Renney, Eric Crampton, Sarah Hogan, with (on left) panel moderator Waikato's Prof Anna Strutt

Then we got a panel on 'Infrastructure: Unclogging the arteries', a topic close to my and I'd guess every other New Zealander's heart, given the increasingly shabby state of virtually all the infrastructure we use, from hospitals, classrooms, and roads to those infamous three waters. I drove down to Hamilton from outside Warkworth. The good news is that Warkworth to the approaches to the Harbour Bridge went fine (thanks to the new Puhoi motorway extension, even if it took forever to build), and Drury to Hamilton was fine (thanks to the new Waikato Expressway, also remarkably protracted). The bad news was that the intervening Harbour Bridge to Drury stretch remains an absolute nightmare, undoing a fair amount of the Puhoi/Waikato benefits, and the throttleneck looks like staying that way for some considerable time. There's a huge deferred bill looming: one speaker mentioned the Infrastructure Commission's estimate that we will need to spend $30 billion a year for the next 30 years.

Alison Andrew, CEO at Transpower, told us that while the current transmission grid is in good shape, (a) most of it was built in the '50s and '60s and is getting to its use-by and (b) there's an opportunity to green the country through electrification, but we will need 22 gigawatts of generation (and associated transmission) compared to today's 10 gigawatts. She didn't say it, but I personally wondered why the Commerce Commission regulates Transpower in 4-5 year bites, rather than over a longer-term horizon. Chris Joblin, CEO at Tainui Group Holdings, said it wasn't so much unclogging the arteries that's needed, but more like a double or triple bypass after being on the fags since the '70s: we just haven't being looking after our infrastructural health. And when we do bestir ourselves,  the consenting takes forever: he mentioned that it took 17 years to get Tainui's inland port at Ruakura (just beside Waikato University, as it happens) up and running. Among the issues: we look for perfection, which causes procrastination, and we load too many objectives onto projects, blowing out the costs and causing further rethinks. And Nick Leggett, CEO at Infrastructure New Zealand, agreed that we need to get our project management process right: we can occasionally rise to the occasion but mostly we're bad at it.

In passing, if the planning and project mismanagement omnishambles gets your goat, too, you'll like Daryl McLauchlan's piece for Democracy Project, 'Unjarndycing the State'. And if you'd like a piece on how we might do better, here's one I prepared earlier for Acuity magazine, 'Getting results'.

Life's too short, so I'll just pass briefly over the final two sessions. 'Climate & Weather: So what happens if we don't curb emissions?': answer, bad stuff,  and for some of the same reasons that our infrastructure record is so poor. As Sir Brian Roche said, we make a virtue of recovery from disasters, but we don't provide for preparedness in the first place. If 'value for money' was a recurring theme of the Forum, 'dynamic inefficiency', not investing enough to keep the show on the road, ran it a close second.

And in 'Fintech Futures: The end of cash?', no, cash is not dead, with the RBNZ's Karen Silk reminding us of why we still use it (full and final settlement, in privacy, plus benefits when, say post-Gabrielle, the ATMs and EFTPOS go down). And on the fintech side, we've had some successful financial innovation - we heard from Brooke Roberts, co-CEO of one of the successes, Sharesies - and while Brooke hoped that we will eventually have a global fintech come out of New Zealand, it's generally not as easy to get things up and running as it is in, say, Australia. Shane Marsh, cofounder of DOSH, also wondered about us falling behind. In my mind, I've always thought of New Zealand as a digitally advanced place - we were using EFTPOS for everything when our friends and rellies in Ireland, the UK or the US were still writing cheques - but the world's moved on, and we haven't. In Shane's view, our payments landscape is now well behind the rest of the world and even behind some of the 'developing' world .

Matt Bolger, Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Waikato Management School, sent us on our way with an uplifting message. While it's tempting to think that today's rate of change is unprecedented, Matt said we shouldn't get so up ourselves: how do we compare, really, with the generations who went through the Great War, the Depression, fascism and communism, and World War Two? And despite our current inability to plan properly for tomorrow's challenges, maybe he's right that we shouldn't get overwhelmed, and we should stay optimistic. It would be nice to think that New Zealand Economic Forum 2025 will be able to document that we're getting more of a grip on the issues that face us.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

The New Zealand Economic Forum - Day 1

The University of Waikato's New Zealand Economic Forum 2024, on the theme of 'A briefing to the incoming government', kicked off in Hamilton last Thursday with a speech by Finance Minister Nicola Willis (below).

Nothing headline-making, but solid stuff: I liked the aim to lift our growth rate by removing go-slow regulation, the plan to have fast one-stop consenting for major projects, and to have more 'social investment', meaning prioritising social spending on the groups most at risk of being stuck in persistent disadvantage. In Q&A, someone asked about investment plans: there's apparently going to be a coordinated 30 year pipeline of projects, and about bleeding time. There are decision-making models maintained in the public sector that let you assemble optimal investment portfolios, and they badly need to be deployed, however belatedly, to make our infrastructure spend all that it can be. Chatting to another attendee afterwards, he wondered if the benefits and costs you need to feed into those models were reliable enough to avoid garbage in, garbage out results, but anything's got to be better than the lack of coordination we've had up to now.

The next two topics - agriculture and health - weren't my thing, but they had their moments. In agriculture, I'd never heard of AgriZeroNZ before: "A partnership between the New Zealand government and major agribusiness companies, we're helping farmers reduce emissions while maintaining profitability and productivity". Good stuff. In health, I heard a lot of sense from Professor Des Gorman. He said that we don't have a 'health' system, we have a disease and injury management system, paid for on annual levels of activity, which is self-evidently not ideal. He argued for a better 'tight, tight, loose' system focused on value for money: it would be tight in defining the health outcomes you'd like to see, tight in measuring what providers actually achieve, but loose or agnostic about what sort of providers you use. For those who would cry 'privatisation' of the public health system, his answer is that the system is largely private already, notably including your local GP practice. And for those worried about those dreadful private providers making a profit, in a competitive value-for-money system the answer is, "They're delivering more for less. What bit don't you like?".

After lunch we had a choice of 'Demographics are history' or 'Running tax differently', and my inner nerd chose tax. Graham Scott (gamely filling in for the unavoidable late withdrawal of Max Rashbrooke, also contactable here) reminded us that tax has its own comparative advantage - it has things it can and cannot do - and threatening to load it with multiple policy aims risked taking us back to the bad old days when we had a mad patchwork of specific sales taxes and other distortions and complexities. PwC's Sandy Lau was mostly happy with things as they are, though wondered if we need capital gains taxes, if only to reduce our currently disproportionate reliance on personal income tax. And Victoria's Professor Lisa Marriott's main point was over enforcement: she felt genuinely ratbag behaviour wasn't being sufficiently prosecuted by the IRD. Not only were people getting away with malfeasance, tax compliant businesses were being put at a competitive disadvantage relative to the scofflaws.

The session on 'Social investment: What difference will it make', led to a strong consensus that (a) there is a large group of people who suffer from persistent disadvantage (b) current social policy isn't cutting the mustard (c) by finding out what these people most need we can get better much better results especially if we focus on value for money from what we do and (d) we should regard what we do as an investment in people rather than as a cost. As Merepeka Raukawa-Tait put it, the time for wasted spending is over. Subsequent speakers pointed to a dramatically successful example that Maria English gave us, where providing tailored housing to a particular person saved nearly all of the very expensive 100 nights a year they'd previously been spending in a hospital bed. The session made complete sense to me, and I was quietly bemused how the winds have changed since Bill English (Maria's dad) championed this very approach, and got roundly rubbished for it.

My initial reaction to 'Trade: Dealing with a divided world' left me worrying: there's been an end of the "golden weather" of increasingly free and rules-based trade. Now there's fragmentation, rules flouting, disempowerment of the World Trade Organisation, protectionism, and 'security' concerns (real and paranoid). It very much felt like the trade front of Cold War II. MFAT's Vangelis Vitalis replied to my downbeat tweet that "I hope the conclusion left you feeling  more positive, i.e. we have a plan, agency, new options & advantages in key markets and are determined to protect and defend our hard won benefits through FTAs", and that we are showing "Policy entrepreneurship in international trade policy". He'd mentioned, for example, us successfully taking Canada on about their dairy trade protectionism. All fair comment, and it's good to know we're fighting our corner, but it's still a trickier wicket to bat on than it was before.

And the day wrapped with a session chaired by Steven Joyce on 'Monetary policy: Controlling what we can control'. Grant Spenser, ex deputy governor at the Reserve Bank, reminded us that the RBNZ, when it last reviewed how it had been going, found nine things it could work on, and wondered how they were getting on with them: he also noted that there appeared to be quite a blowout in operational spending and in headcount over the past six years. He also wanted to see more of a challenging culture at the Monetary Policy Committee from the independent members. I totally agreed: Australia's moved in that direction recently as well, with a boost in expertise and a requirement that independent members put their view into the public domain at least once a year. Bryce Wilkinson revisited some of the territory he'd covered in his publication co-authored with Graeme Wheeler, 'How central bank mistakes after 2019 led to inflation',  reminding us that monetary policy everywhere was relied on as being more of an exact science than it actually was, and that central banks made very poor inflation forecasts, even though that was their day job. Bryce said the global financial markets had also missed what was developing. And Henry Russell found himself in something of the spotlight given that the ANZ Bank had just made a big off-consensus call that the RBNZ would hike rates again (two moves of 0.25%), its reasoning being that the RBNZ had indicated back in November that it had little tolerance for any upside inflation risks, but they looked like they were getting some.

The monetary policy panel: Henry Russell (ANZ Bank), Bryce Wilkinson (Capital Economics / The New Zealand Initiative), Grant Spencer (ex RBNZ, Victoria University), Steven Joyce at the lectern

There was a really interesting discussion after the speakers' opening remarks, including around the ANZ forecast of hikes to come. Bryce thought that interest rates were now where they out to be on a Taylor Rule basis, and also that money supply growth had slowed down to very little growth at all (the latest 'broad money' measure, for example, is up only 3.6% on a year ago), both of which argued against hikes. Grant felt that with inflation already down quite a bit, maybe it would be better to hold and stay at current rates for a bit longer to see what happens. Henry, however, said that arguably a global disinflation supporting tailwind has blown out, that domestic inflation is still not good and might surprise on the upside again, and that while the pricing indicators in the ANZ business survey have stabilised, it was an open question whether they had stabilised at a level consistent with the RBNZ's inflation target. Policy issues raised but unresolved for another day: whether unconventional monetary policies (like quantitative easing) had been worth it; how monetary policy should respond to supply shocks; and whether the RBNZ ought to be both the setter of monetary policy and the financial prudential authority. Evidence from overseas is mixed, and against the canonical practice of economists having an answer to everything, I can't say I've got any clear opinion, either.